I have a two month old that is 100% alive because of
me. It is so weird that I have been able to produce enough food to keep this
kid full, happy, and growing.
Breastfeeding has had its highs and lows for me. I
feed Aubin "on demand" so whenever she seems hungry or fussy, she
gets some boob. This can be good and bad. It can calm her down,
but at the same time she is attached to me all the time and Levi doesn’t get
the joy of waking up with her at 3 am!!
Here are some things I have learned in this adventure of
feeding my daughter:
People will stare. Whether you have a cover or not,
people stare and they are idiots. I never really realized how grown-ups have
completely sexualized breastfeeding. Listen fools, I’m just feeding my kid,
back off. There is so much shaming on women who feed in public it is ridiculous
and it needs to stop. I mean I look SOOOO inappropriate feeding her at the
pool right?? If she was screaming and interrupting your precious tanning because she was hungry, I am sure you would be
even more pissed off. #normalizebreastfeeding
Working out is hard. I have to time her eating about an
hour before my workout, then I need to pump after to make sure I am empty. By the end of my workout, the boobies start to get full and activity gets
hard. Lord knows I would not be able to run anywhere or I would poke an eyeball
Padding your bra is no longer looked down upon, but greatly encouraged.
I am always sticky. Al-ways. As much as a God send a warm
shower is, you get out and immediately you are dripping like an old faucet.
There is also the puke factor…I will let these images do the talking (Notice the towel on my head...I had JUST gotten out of the shower when boom puke all on my shoulder, back, arm and floor.)
I know latching is not supposed to hurt, but I still feel
like I am in a state of constantly getting "purple nurple"
No one has time to pump. There are two settings
stimulation and let down. The stim phase is fast and 2 minutes. I'm lazy and
only like to do the fast, two minute pump. (I was going to insert a sex joke
here but I thought it would be inappropriate lol)
Looking at Aubin and knowing that she is alive, thriving,
and gaining tons of weight because of JUST ME, is so awesome. It makes me feel
like superwoman. Homegirl has rolls on rolls and is topping the scales at 13lbs
(85%)!!! She is really the coolest kid
ever and we are so thankful that she is ours!!
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Clayman feeding tiny girl |
Do great things
Nipple cream is your friend, my friend 😊. And, pump before you go to sleep so that your hubby can enjoy those 3 am feedings 😄