
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You’re a Jawbone.

So I have a new favorite fitness toy. It is my Jawbone UP bracelet. My skinny sister, Carrie had one and of course I want to be just like her, so when I got my new job LJ let me have a “promotion present” and this was what I picked.

This thing is so freaking cool. It measures your steps, and your sleep, it can wake you up at the peak of your light sleep and most importantly, keep you motivated to get your ass up and move.

Technical it is just a fancy schmancy pedometer but it does so much more. First off,  you set an amount of “steps’ that you want to take each day and the bracelet will count them for you. There are graphs that show you how many steps you take throughout the day or during a certain activity. These are my “steps” that I took during my Sunday spin class that I teach. It is nice to actually be able to see that the class that I created translates into real movement on the bike. You can see when there were faster songs vs slow heavy hills. 

Pretty stinking cool. Here is another example of Cycle and Sculpt. Here, there are breaks in the workout because we were off the bike using hand weights and our feet were not moving. Again, you can see the faster songs vs the slow heavy resistance ones. Amazballs!!!

Here is what a whole day of steps typically looks like. I just barely hit 10,000 steps on the 12th. I was totally pacing around the house trying to hit my 10k goal!!! Whoomp whoomp.

Honestly it was because it was a work day. I have the bracelet set so that every 15 minutes of inactivity, it will vibrate for a second, just for a little reminder to move. Usually after 3 "vibrations" I get up and walk around the building. It is really nice to have something to remind me that I sit behind a desk all day lol.

My favorite thing is the sleep function. Sayyy whaattt this thing can track my sleep???!! Booyahh. I sleep like crap so this was one of my big selling points. Here is a night of typical sleep for me. 

The high darker color is the deep sleep while the light blue is the light sleep. Orange is awake time. I totally felt like I didn't sleep well last night too. I usually wake up around 3 am, which is what Susie Novak calls the witching hour. We probably should text each other then because we are both always up. Hi mom!!

The bracelet can even become an alarm clock. When I work out in the morning my alarm is stet for 5:03am. I have the UP set for a 10 minute block before that time period where if it senses that you are at the peak of your light sleep, it will vibrate until you turn it off. And there is no snooze!!! Wonderful! You wake up like sleeping beauty. Birds are chirping, prince charming is there, and miraculously you have no morning breath! Crazy!! It really does help me in waking up, but I still have karate breath.

Finally, because I am a super dorky engineer and I LOVE some graphs and trend lines, the app on your phone enables you to trend different attributes pertaining to your over all day. Steps, active time, idle time, deeps/light sleep, etc. Here is a graph that shows a direct correlation of my active time vs my deep sleep the more active I am throughout the day, the better my sleep is!!!

You can change the axis to any thing that you want to see how two functions correlate to one another. Who doesn’t love some bio feedback like that!

I think the only thing that could make this cooler is if it was a heart rate monitor as well. Ehh cant win them all right?? There is a calorie counter that adjusts based on your activity but I feel like my actually HR monitor is much more accurate.

So all in all, I am quite the sales girl for this thing because many of my friends have gotten one too!! We all follow each other and egg each other on if we are being lazy throughout the day. We can also keep tabs on each other food because the UP app links up with My Fitness Pal which we all use as well. Basically, everyone should get one and we can all be on the same fitness “team”!!! 

All hail the Jawbone UP girls!!!

Do Great things

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kate got Married, Carrie Got Skinny, and I got a New J.o.b.

Factual statement: I suck at blogging. In my defense things have been hella crazy for us the last month.
There is going to be a lot going on in this post because well I haven’t updated in a long time.

Kate got married:
LJ and I made the trek home June 1 and stayed with his parents until the 3rd.  Nothing is better than hanging out at the lake with them and eating Bell Mell Pizza and having Tofts ice cream. Holy Fatty McFatFat, but it is a treat I only get once or twice a year so I'm eating it! 

We drove to my house and for the next two days we watched my nephew rock out at baseball. Pa Novak wanted to watch from the swing set. Adorbs. Probably the cutest man EVER. We also played some ball in the back yard. Clay is way better than any of us-I'm sure he struck Levi out in this picture.

Then it was time for wedding Jazz!!! Wednesday was Kate’s bachelorette party!!!! We had a gigantic cheese and chocolate fondue party with a crap ton of dippers. (Obviously, this was not a low calorie vacation home) We played typical bachelorette party games and we drank margaritas! Thursday and Friday I made their cake to cut during the reception…Looks pretty damn good if I do say so!!       

Saturday was wedding day and everything was perfect!! It was freaking gorgeous out and Kate looked stunning! I am so happy for her and Jake and can’t wait to see them living the married life!! Can you even handle this? (Wedding photos by SLL Photograpy)
No wedding is complete without the “bridesmaids”  pose!!

Holy crap my best friend is married!!!

Carrie Got Skinny
So lets freaking talk about this for a second. I'm all "I wanna lose weight, and be healthy" and Carrie is my go to person who agrees with me and rocks out for a bit and then decides that 8 large pizzas sound great for dinner. Well, here I am, eating chipotle and bullshit, and Carrie is beasting up the gym and getting her swole on everyday. She is the size of my left leg now and dayummm she looks good!! It is so nice to have someone to workout with when I go home because Lord knows there is zero motivation there. She has lost about 60lbs!!


The nice/sucky thing is that when we were home she had a huge pile of her clothes that she outgrew that she gave to me. Whaa whaaa. At least I got 5 pairs of Gap jeans and lots of workout clothes!! Can’t complain about that. Carrie Ann you look smoking hot! Keep up the good work and I want to be just like you!!

I Got A New Job

Hoorayyy!! I now am a Project Engineer in the Surgical Division!!! I am super happy to get settled in my new role, and I am sure I will have updates along the way!!

Do great things