
Friday, February 20, 2015

Naming a baby

If this isn’t the most truthful statement, I don’t know what is.
“Do you like this name?” “ Uhhh no, my 2nd grade, best friends dog was named that.”

Lindsey: Oh LJ If it is a boy can we name him Sawyer? I LOVE the name Sawyer!
Levi: Sorry Dear, but Sawyer Johnson isn’t going to work. Break it down idiot….Saw---Yer—Johnson.”
Lindsey:  Damnit!! Another Dick name!!!

“Hey so and so, I think we have decided on this name.” “Esshhhhhh I don’t like that. What about this name? “….What about I punch you in the nose?

Lindsey: Soo I kinda like that name Gilligan, and we can call him Gill
Levi: You can be the one to explain to our poor child why he comes home every day with his underpants torn and over his head. No on Gilligan. Jesus, Gilligan? Really Linds??

Listen people, get your shit right. I don’t care that your Aunts, second cousins, wife, was a loser. I don’t know her, nor do I give a damn about her. If I want to name my baby that name, I will name my baby that. Also, why is it that now people think they can just spout off at the mouth and say these weird things to us. I mean, we are naming our kid…for the rest of her life. WE are naming her-not you.  If we were thinking of naming her Princess Diamond or something else like Rainbow, Apple, Elsa, or North then yeah sure go for it-let me know I am a whack job. But until then I don’t care about your opinions. And don’t give me weird looks either. Remember- I am the queen of resting bitchy face, I'm pregnant and I will cut you.
Now that that is out of the way, her name is going to be Aubin, something, Johnson. The “something” is a name that is still up in the air. I really love Grace but we will have to see how it all shakes out.

It sounds exactly the way it is spelled so let’s not all over think it. As for the “Where did you get such a unique name question” Levi has always like that name, and at first I really didn’t dig it. Then it just sort of worked…and then it really worked…and then it was her name. I absolutely love it. Her name has totally passed the “yell test” and that is very important. Does the name feel good rolling off your tongue when you are mad…yes, I have put thought into this. She is MY daughter after all.

I can just see her name being called as she runs through the tunnel for her basketball or volleyball games to dominate on your kid.  And nowwwww your starting point guard, number thirtyyy- fivveee, Auubbiiiiinnnnn Johnnnnsonnnnn!!!! Ahhhhh it gives me chills just typing it. She better not suck at sports lol. I may have just jinxed her to be in the band. Sorry Girlfriend.

Apparently, when you google it, the name is technically a boy’s name in France and has been increasing in popularity since 2000. It means white, fair, or blonde.  This statement about her name made me laugh so I have to share 

"People with this name tend to be quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathetic to others, adaptable, balanced and sometimes shy. They are trustworthy, respecting the confidences of others, and make excellent diplomats, mediators and partners. They are often very intuitive. They like detail and order, and often find change worrisome. They may sometimes feel insecure or restless."

I think this one is saying that she will be like her dad because none of this really pertains to me-even a little bit.

Anyway her name is Aubin Johnson and she will be super awesome. And yes, you can call her AJ if you want.

Baby J and Momma Stats:

How far along? 33 weeks—she is getting pretty big and so am I!!!
Sleep: Levi has been sick this week and we both have been crappy sleepers
Best moment this week: doing nursery stuff
Miss Anything? Being able to see my feet when I look down
Movement: When is she not moving??
Workouts: Now that I am home and the ice is gone we are back at it!!
Food cravings: just strawberries, and ho hos. It is also lent so all that I have been wanting is good fat Paczkis. God Bless Levi Johnson because he drove in the ice storm to where we ususally get them, and of course they were out. He ended up finding this gem of a polish bakery right down the street and got us 6 delish donuts filled with happiness. Man, I love him.
Belly Button: Half innie….the left side is starting to pop.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking Forward To: My baby shower tomorrow!!! Eeeeeeeee


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Working Out While Pregnant

Once I started to feel “normal” again after finding out I was pregnant I spoke to my doctor about my workout routines. At that point I was teaching a Sunday spin class and going to Crossfit regularly. She cleared me to continue to keep doing what I was doing and just monitor my exhaustion and heart rate. So I ran with that, and it has been the best decision that I have made throughout my pregnancy. I have always been someone who wanted to be in the gym so there is no reason what so ever for me to give up something that A) makes me feel good B) is good for little lady C) keeps me healthy.

Throughout these months I have made plenty of changes to my normal routine. After about month 4, I decided teaching was not the best plan for me so I stepped back from that but continued to take classes. I am no longer able to hold a sprint (anything over 160 bpm) because she just borrows so far in my pelvis that she might be digging a hole in my leg. Other than that I am golden during spin. If things feel off, I sit. Its all about listening to your body.
Crossfit has really been such an amazing activity for me throughout this pregnancy. You know the saying “It’s not a crossfit box unless someone is pregnant” well that has definitely been true of CrossfitRTP. There have been 3 of us pregnant and it has been such a relief to have those people work out with me and provide advice. I have loved watching as they progress further and further along in their pregnancy.  With that being said, I have 55 days left to go in the pregnancy and I still feel amazingly strong and completely capable of lifting heavy-ish. I am rocking out Metcons and that makes me super happy.  I have been put on much more restriction as my pregnancy has progressed. My bar path is completely compromised (OBVI) so there is no more snatching or cleaning L Other things that have changed are that my weights have been lowered, there are no more box jumps, and I definitely do receive more attention. I hope to continue with as much intensity as I can up until the very end.  I wish I had some pictures of me working out at the box but there are no mirrors and I am usually too busy sweating my ass off to think about pictures lol

Like I said on FB: I might be pregnant but my ass isn’t. I am so stoked to see what I can do when I am no longer restricted!!!
Some people have been snarky about my workouts during my pregnancy. That’s cool and you can have your own opinion. I have done what was best for me and lil girlfriend and that is all that really matters to me. It is really funny though when people say, OMG you shouldn’t be lifting that box, or you need to sit down because you have been standing for over 30 minutes. I laugh and think, I can lift 5 times that box, over-my-head, and then squat with it.
The stereotypes about being disabled when you are carrying a baby are absolutely crazy to me.  I am still a badass woman, just wanting to be healthy for herself and her kid. The next time you see a pregnant lady in the gym, please don’t stare at her with crazy eyes.  Give her a high five and tell her she is awesome—because she is.
18 weeks at the Teleflex Gym

24 weeks at Teleflex Gym

32 weeks in Tecate MX
Obviously, I still love my Jakes Saloon Shirt from college. 

Baby J and Momma Stats:

How far along? 32 weeks
Sleep: I have been sleeping in the most comfortable hotel beds in the history of beds. SO MANY PILLOWSSSS
Best moment this week: All of the amazing Mexican food I have been able to eat. I was also thrilled to go to the beach, and dig a hole for my belly to sit in, and be able to "lay" on my stomach. It was magical.
Miss Anything? Being super adventurous with my tacos…no brain, or tongue for me this trip!!
Movement: tiny dancer for sure
Workouts: :)
Food cravings: nothing really this week
Belly Button: Innie still
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking Forward To: BABY SHOWERS!!!!!!! OMG it is time!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Nesting is No Joke

I have never been the world’s most “clean” person. My car always has at least 7 shoes and gym clothes in it. If my hair is in a braid it is more than likely I haven’t washed it in 2+ days. I have no issue with the fact that my bonus room hasn’t been vacuumed in 4 weeks and my windows haven’t been touched in 6 months. I am totally fine with that, don't judge me. 

Now that tiny Miss Princess Face is fast approaching, I cannot get enough cleaning done. I would be the happiest person on the planet if I could vacuum all day.  The weekends are now a whirlwind of organization and dusting. I feel like we have reorganized the whole upstairs to make room for all of her gear.
We have been working very hard to get her nursery in order lately. The best thing was getting her closet organized. I have 0-6 month clothes in her closet and 6+ in a spare closet. Why does this kid have so many clothes already?? She already has like 15 pairs of shoes…what is that about? I don’t even like shoes but little tiny ones are sooo damn cute.

This organization and constant need to cross things off the “to do list” has even made its way to the workplace. I have my “maternity leave” plan all laid out, the next steps in the project, and exactly what protocols/reports needs to be written. I am lucky enough to have about 15 weeks with my replacement so I have been getting him more and more up to speed every day so that gives me warm fuzzies. I really hope that I can keep up this good attitude for the next 9 weeks and keep getting shit done before she makes her debut!

Baby J and Momma Stats:

How far along? 31 weeks---at the last ultrasound she was a whopping 3 lbs 10 oz and in the 80th percentile for overall size.  She was a full 1 lb 1 oz bigger than normal---helloooo Novak. OR she is the size of the front wheel of a kids big wheel bike...check it
Sleep: Some tossing and turning but I have been waking up rested
Best moment this week: the Raleigh flea market for sure. We got an old window sill for her bow holder and have possibly picked out a chandelier that I want to put in her room for lighting
Miss Anything? Not really this week
Movement: She has been very distracting lately now that the movements are so pronounced. I feel like I could sit all day and just watch her!! She is crazytown.

Workouts: I have been put on “hey you are getting pretty pregnant now” watch at crossfit. No more box jumps, lower weights all around, and just more overall attention. Thanks friends!! You obviously know that I am bull headed J
Food cravings: Still Strawberries . The other day I had a shitty day at work and just absolutely needed to have mint chocolate chip ice cream and chicken tenders for dinner.  So that’s what we had  to eat!!
Belly Button: Innie still---it’s getting wayyy shallower
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking Forward To: Last trip to Tecate Mexico on Monday and then flying to Ohio for my baby shower!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT IS BABY SHOWER TIME ALREADY!!!!!