Momma Blog update because I have a toddler and writing is hard.
1-We turned 2. She had a Brown Bear Brown Bear
themed party. Momma spent too much.
2-We took a trip to Ohio to see the family. Zoo.
African Safari. Tofts Ice Cream. Grandparents. Solo momma on the airplane home.
-We talk in full sentences. “No, no, no, momma!
Stop talking!” cool.
4 -Aubs switched schools. Momma spent/spends too
Which brings us to the point of today’s blog. We are in full
on potty training mode. Like let’s pick out the cutest baby undies in the world,
and try not to pee on Minnies head. Meh. Whatever works?
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We are very serious about pee and coloring |
The new school has totally killed it with potty training. They
have these super mini toilets (not even the seats, like full on tiny toilets)
and the kids can just hop right up and do their things. They told us to send
her to school with panties on and I nearly fainted. Whatttt?? My Tiny in
panties at school??? Y’all serious because you’re going to be cleaning up pee
all day long. Needless to say, it took them 3 days before she had an accident
free day. THREE DAYS. That night we went to the store and picked out a toy that
she wanted and came home. I set her up to watch some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
like any good mother would, and then heard “Mommy, I go pee pee!!” Cool, I thought,
and walked over to give her a high five. Problem was, she was sitting on the
couch-between the cushions-soaked in pee. Fantastic. Hopefully, soon she gets
Aubin shit on the floor and then tried to pick it up and put
it in the potty. Nice try sister. A for effort.
Every time we sit on the “big potty” we need to brush our
teeth. For some reason she has linked these two activities together. I'm down
with it because she brushes her teeth probably 58 times a day. #teamnocavities
She picked up the "pee bin" from her baby potty and tried to put
it in the big toilet. And spilled it. Without missing a beat appropriately yelled,
“God Damnit”. I feel you girl, I feel you.
Every snapchat I have of her, in some form has her naked
butt or her sitting on the pot. Its her fav.
Coming out of the target potty….”Daddy, I peed!! Mommy
pooped!!” Well played little, well played.
Terrified looking as she walked in on Levi standing a
She farts and says “I toot” with a smug look J
Word count:
Do great things