
Friday, October 2, 2015

Baby Teeth are the Work of the Devil

I am fairly certain that baby teeth are the work of the devil. God was creating these perfect little humans and the big D came in and had to put his nasty sprinkle of awfulness into the mix. Poor tinygirl has been cutting teeth for the past week and she is no less than super pissed.
She is pretty normal during the day—happy, playing and crawling. But when it comes time for bedtime, ho-ly crap, she is not a happy camper. I have tried every trick in the book. Cold teethers, Orajel, teething tablets, baby motrin, sophie, cold things in her mesh teether—basically whatever I can get my hands on to help her not be miserable at night. 
The only thing that semi calms her down is bringing her in bed with us. I really don’t want to start doing that and getting her used to it because, well, I like my bed, and my husband. I also want to continue to sleep like a starfish and not have to worry about rolling over and pancaking my child. [I know co-sleeping works for some people—that’s super cool—I am just not one of those people, no judgement do what makes you happy]

Also, 2 weekends ago we went to the lake with our friends. We had a ton of fun but when I got home I noticed that tiny lady had these crazy bumps on her!! We took her to the doctor and they said she had Chiggers!! Meeehhhhh. After putting Hydrocortisone on them, I did some research and people had been saying, “put clear nail polish on them-it will suffocate the chigger and then they will heal” I thought that was crazy but hey it worked. 
I am hoping that right now we are just in the perfect storm of her sucking at sleeping because honestly, I am exhausted. We are all exhausted. We may be getting about 3-4 hours of sleep a night for the past 2 weeks. I don’t know about y’all but I don’t operate that way. I have been living on 4 cups of coffee and broken dreams. I am just hoping she pops her little self right out of this torture soon before we all go berserk. Any thoughts on how to help tame this tooth beast that is hurting my princess?

Do great things!

1 comment:

  1. We use a Baltic amber teething necklace and little man hasn't had any issues. Some ppl don't believe they do anything but it's working for us. You want unpolished/raw and the darker the better :) my dad told me burbon in the bottle but I'm not into wasting it lol ;)
