After only writing a few blogs, I have received tremendous amounts of comments, help, amazing opinions, and "I love your blogs!" Soooo, I just want to take a few minutes to say thanks!! You all are awesome and make this clean eating, working out, life journey, much more manageable and enjoyable. The amount of facebook messages of people supporting the blog and my "new" eating are redic. My friends have been so overly supportive, and have only had kind words of encouragement!! Hooray! We can do it together!!

I also want to say a HUGE thank you to my sister!! She probably doesn't realize this but I think she is totally an inspiration!! Homegirl, started her weight loss at a work event to be the "biggest loser" and she is kicking some serious booty!! Carrie has cleaned up her eating, and rocks out at the gym, and boy has it paid off! She has lost 41 lbs the last time I asked her about it!! The last day of the competition is in 2 weeks-ish. And in that time, Carrie will be going on a cruise with her family. I dont know about y'all, but on all the cruises I have been on, I came back hella full of food and weight about 7 lbs heavier. I asked her if she was going to weigh in before she went on vacay so she could stuff her face, and her response was simple, "No Pig, I cant just go back eating shit the way that I used to just because I am on vacation." (PS she has called me some variation of *Pig* my whole life) How awesome is that! Way to go dude, you're freaking awesome and I hope you win the competition! Thanks for inspiring me to feel better and maybe this can turn into a family thing where the rest of the fam takes steps towards a healthier lifestyle too!!