
Friday, March 4, 2016

Walking Fool

The last day of January I came home from teaching boot camp and Levi was giving Aubin a bath. When I came into the bathroom, he looked at her and in a very fatherly voice said, “Aubin, are you going to tell mama what you did today at school?”  ….Great she finally punched a classmate in the face and broke his little baby teeth…I thought. Of course she cant say anything but mama and dada, so Levi continued in his Aubin voice. “Mama, I can stand up now without holding onto anything and I can take two steps by myself.” Shut the front door.
I thought for SURE she would be running in 2 weeks after that. However, we had our run in with the seizure which put her out of commission for about 2 weeks and then she needed about 2 weeks to get “back to normal.” Well, now she is just crazyyyyy about walking. She is off and to the races.
My little cabbagge patch baby doll
I would say she is OFFICIALLY walking now- as in she would rather stand up, and walk rather than crawl. She wont stand still for pictures anymore and she just wants to run. Our lives are going to get real interesting now 

Side note: It was mismatch day at school and yes she is eating a dog toy...take your judgmental asses elsewhere. 

She is now talking up a storm saying mama, dad, ut oh, and other crazy sounds. For the record her first word was dada BUT she says mama much much more. J She can wave, and blow kisses, and she does the most adorable thing where she grabs your face and tries to make out with you. I’m down for it.
Do Great Things---just like Lady A :)