
Monday, April 29, 2013

The New House and Jillian Michaels


Hooray! We have been moving at about 90 mph the past week so life has been overly hectic for us!! We closed on Thursday (in only 22 minutes lol) and started moving boxes and other random crap over to the new house that afternoon. How the hell a little 600 sq ft apartment accumulates so much crap is beyond me. Here is the kitchen piled high with everything. I will admit that I was super stoked to use all of the the place settings and the new silverware that we got for our wedding. (Levi wouldnt let me open it until we moved into a house---you know...7 months after we got married)
As if I didn’t have enough going on Thursday, Jillian Michaels was in town for her Maximize Your Life Tour. Amy and I were totally bugging out to see her!! We went to Big Daddy's Burger Bar before the show and it was ridiculous. We semi ate healthy. I would be lying if I didn't smash some sweet potato fries. Obviously, I know I was totally counter productive going to see the holy grail of weight loss people and stuffing my face with fries and a burger but whatever. As for the show, HOLY AMAZING!! She was so real and down to earth and just told you how it is without any bogus diet/exercising nonsense. Eat less + move your ass = weight loss. Well I’ll be damned. She gets paid loads of money for that. She also spoke about how to read nutrition labels and how many times sugar is broken up into different components so it can be labeled further down on the ingredients list and therefore you don’t think it is such an unhealthy food because “sugar” isn’t listed first! Basically, everything she said made perfect sense and if possible you should go see her. Sorry for the super crappy picture, I was too busy drooling over her to hold my phone still. And yes, we were super close. Be Jealous.
Friday, we moved all of the big stuff over and began unpacking. Our friends Sam and Brian helped move and organize everything, which was such a giant help because we both were exhausted and were over it. That night we grilled out and watched the draft with them. Unpacking sucks the big one. Our fridge was at least packed up with the essentials…beer and subway. The perfect combo for any move!!! 
Saturday I taught a cycle express class at 8 am because, well, why not. I’m already exhausted why not beat some other people up too J After that, we ordered our new dining room table and set off to other stores. Of course, no new home purchase is complete without a trip to the container store and sears, so there we went to spend more money!! We ended up just going to sears on a whim, and our patio set that we had been looking at was on sale. I also asked for a 10% discount on top of it just for the hell of it and dude gave it to me!!! Saaaweeetttt.

Sunday was full of unpacking and getting our lives in order. Lets see how long that takes.

At least Frank loves the windows J

Do great things

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cake Batter Batter!!!!

The big move is only 13 days away so our house looks like a bomb was dropped on it. Boxes everywhere, the closets are half empty, and 80% of my spices are put away. Now that the cupboards above the stove are empty, I have somewhere to put all my cake stuff!!! Good thing too because this whole mini cake business is really turning out awesome!!

After some pushing from people at work, I finally made a website Who knew it was so easy!!! There has been tons of people asking me about cakes and cupcakes!!! It is so cool that people want to buy my cakes!! Thank you everyone!!!

The link on cell phones is a bit funky-I'm still working on it!!

So I figure that if people are willing to shell out cash for my confectionery creations, I better be legit. I have been taking Cake decorating classes every Wednesday for the past 8 weeks and have learned a TON. The other day I came home with gum paste flowers, and Levi was so impressed he wanted to watch me make one so he knew I didn't steal it from the teacher and pawn it off as my own. :) Through this process I think that I like to work with gum paste and fondant more than butter cream. I like the idea of being able to make characters, stripes, perfect circles, and flowers. I would be lying if I said that I didn't send the pictures of my flowers to my family and friends because I was so proud of them. You can find them on the pictures tab of Cake baking is totally therapeutic to me. Yesterday, I was having a super crappy day but I was so excited to come home and begin working on a "Mommy to "Bee" Cake" where I had to shape cake into a beehive and create gum paste bees to sit on it. How stinking cute are these!?!? I cant wait to see them on the cake and cupcakes!!!

Hope everyone has a Bee-utiful day. I am so funny!

Do great things!

Friday, April 5, 2013

1984 called. They want their hairstyle back.


Yesterday, while mindlessly strumming through the world of Pinterest while LJ watched baseball, I stopped and watch a hair video on the famous sock bun. Apparently, they were all the rage in the 80’s (how would I know, I was in that decade for only 3 years) and everyone rocked the ballerina bun. This video was all about using the sock bun to create curls instead of the redic bun. Eh, what the hell, lets chop up a sock that has been on your feet, and toss it into my hair and see how it turns out. So, Levi found me two socks that looked like they had seen better days and I hacked of the toes and rolled them into balls/donuts.
I then took my less than damp hair, tossed some curling mouse and some volumizing spray into it, and rolled them up. 100% super sexy, right!?!
 I used two socks because I have mass quantities of lettuce on my head and I knew that for sure one sock wouldn't cut it. The two buns were stabilized with a few bobby pins and a headband around both of them.
I went to bed and they didn't bother me at all because I had placed them so high on top of my dome. I unrolled the first bun and thought, “well no shit, this might actually work.” Then the second, “Man, I am awesome.” I gave myself a little half poof and here is what I ended up with:
Pshhh. How freaking easy was that. I can curl my hair every day. This is ridiculous. Obviously, I would have been the coolest chick in 1984, and I would have most def had the high standing bangs with sock bun curls.

Do great things...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Parties, Packing, and News

So it has been a pretty crazy few days for the Johnsons.

Friday, I had the day off from work so I started it off the right way by getting my ass out of bed at 5:15am and enjoying some SYNCcycling and then went to a class that I normally do not do called Rock the Band. Yowza. Freaking resistance bands don’t lie. After, we went to visit our friend Carol and then went to Amys to frost birthday cupcakes for her sons birthday party!!

Saturday, was the big party day, so after a morning workout beat down from Bo, I headed over to Amys to help get more frosting completed and to help her get some party prep accomplished. Here are the pictures of the “Thing 1” cupcakes and the cake I made him.     


Check out Amy's Blog on his whole shebang. She did an amazing job with everything.  And the answer is YES, I ate a cupcake, and popcorn, and pecan pretzels, and some carrots to make it healthy. You have to celebrate a first birthday big!! After partying, Levi and I went furniture shopping and purchased a pimped out dining room table for the new house! I am so happy to finally have “big girl” furniture that will last for the duration of our lifetime!!

Sunday, we slept in until 10!!!!!! Happy freaking Easter!! Talk about wasting the day. Sunday is typically our cleaning day and now with the new crib, we have decided to make it a packing day. So we began the daunting task of packing up our lives. Frank and Nora helped as much as they could.                                               
Stupid cats. You would have thought they were in heaven with all the empty boxes around the house.

All in all it was a good weekend. Then Monday came.

We got some news that wasn't exactly what we were hoping for, so we comforted ourselves the best way we knew how. I made a cake, and we ate a big dinner of chicken parmesan with spaghetti. Honestly, food sometimes makes everything better. In hindsight, the news really doesn't affect our lives too much, it just pushes some timelines back a small amount. No Harm No Foul. The best thing for us right now is to focus on the new house and rock out on the Bar in July.

Way to kill the mood Linds. 

On a lighter note, yesterday I also signed up to run the 2014 Raleigh Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon. It will be my third half so I know what to expect. However, I am running it with my awesome friend Sara and it will be her first time!! I cant wait to run her into the chute and see the giant smile all over her face full of pride and accomplishment. That was such a good feeling having my girlfriend CBM meet me and run me in to finish my first race!! Here's to kicking ass and running fast Sara!!!

As a final thought,  I leave you with this super funny ecard. 


Do great things...
